Whimsical Mama Box December 2023
Whimsical Mama Box is nothing short of a delightful treasure for mums seeking a touch of magic in their self-care routine. Packed with curated self-care and wellness goodies, each box is a thoughtful blend of relaxation, rejuvenation, and a sprinkle of magic. What sets Whimsical Mama Box apart is its commitment to offering more than just products – it's a reminder to every mum that she deserves a moment of joy, even in the midst of the chaos. The personalised, friendly approach makes Whimsical Mama Box not just a subscription box but a warm and inviting space for mums to prioritise their well-being, one enchanting box at a time.

Peppermint or Orange Coffee Scrub from Coffee Scrub Co:
Elevate your shower routine with the invigorating Peppermint or Orange Coffee Scrub from Coffee Scrub Co. Buff away the day's stress and leave your skin feeling refreshed. For a festive twist, indulge in a scrub before a holiday gathering to boost your glow.

Argan Oil Festive Foot Mask:
Treat tired mum feet to the luxurious Argan Oil Festive Foot Mask. Perfect for a pampering session after a day of holiday hustle. Slip on your favourite cosy socks after applying for an extra treat.

Rosy Lips Lip Balm:
Embrace winter vibes with the nourishing Rosy Lips Lip Balm. Keep those lips mistletoe-ready and enjoy a moment of self-care by applying before bedtime or under your festive makeup for soft, hydrated lips.

Whimsical Mama Box December 2023

Christmas Sheet Mask:
Unwind with the Christmas Sheet Mask – a quick and delightful way to relax during the holidays. Pop it on while sipping your favourite hot drink, and let the festive vibes rejuvenate your skin.

Make Your Own Christmas Decoration Kit:
Get crafty with the Make Your Own Christmas Decoration Kit. Create personalised ornaments while enjoying a quiet evening. It's a wonderful way to add a touch of your own style to the festive season.

Festive Bath Bomb:
Transform your bath into a winter wonderland with the Festive Bath Bomb. Sink into the soothing scents and colours for a serene escape. Perfect for a quiet, calming moment amidst the holiday chaos.

Cranberry Tealights:
Set the mood with the warm glow of Cranberry Tealights. Light them up during your 'me time' for a cosy ambiance. The flickering lights add a touch of magic to your quiet moments. 

Whimsical Mama Box December 2023

Festive Spice Candle:
Fill your space with the inviting aroma of the Festive Spice Candle. Light it up as you unwind with a good book or take a few minutes to yourself. The comforting scent will add a festive flair to your surroundings.

Sarah Needs Saving book by DCR Bond:
Dive into the captivating world of "Sarah Needs Saving". Grab a cup of tea, find a comfy spot, and lose yourself in this heart-warming story. It's a perfect escape for a mum looking to steal some moments for herself during the holiday season.

  • If you want to try out a box for yourself, visit our website for more information!

  • If you have enjoyed reading this post, and found it interesting or helpful, you can say thank you and support Whimsical Mama by buying me a coffeeI'd really appreciate it! 

    Christmas Self Care For Mums
    The festive season is merry and bright, but it's also chaotic, overwhelming and exhausting - especially as a mum. It's crucial to carve out moments for self care and relaxation during the holidays, even if it might just feel like another thing you have to add to your to-do list. It needs to be a priority if you want to enjoy the festive season. So, let’s jingle all the way to a more relaxed and joyous Christmas with these self-care tips for mums!

    Embrace Imperfection
    The holidays are hectic, social media is bombarded with picture perfect festive homes, a million and one so called "traditions" and it's too much. It's time to embrace imperfection, your tree might not look like the ones on the Hallmark channel, and your dinner might not be a 5 star feast, but that's all ok - that's realistic! What matters the most is joy and spending time with people you love.

    Prioritise Time For Yourself
    Amongst the wrapping and the shopping, the baking and the decorating - schedule some you-time. Whether it's a hot bubble bath, an extravagant hot drink with a book, whatever makes your soul happy. Make it a regular thing over the next month or so, just think, your children, your partners, other people are doing it, really embracing the festive period, and so should you be!

    Christmas Self Care For Mums

    Set Boundaries
    It's so easy to get swept up in obligations during this month. Remember, it's always ok to say no. Protect your time, your energy and your sanity by setting boundaries. Your mental well-being is just as important as spreading holiday cheer!

    Delegate and Collaborate
    You don't have to do everything alone! Involve the family in holiday preparation. Let your little ones decorate cookies, let your partner help with wrapping gifts! It's a chance to bond too, and share the workload. CHRISTMAS IS NOT JUST DOWN TO THE MUMS TO SORT.

    Practice Mindfulness
    Take moments to practice mindfulness, notice the little things. Whether it's through meditation, deep breathing or just simply take a minute to appreciate the beautiful twinkling Christmas lights. Mindfulness helps ground you in the present. Savour Simple Joys As mentioned above, find joy in the little things. The scent of freshly baked gingerbread, a heartfelt conversation or the warmth of a cosy blanket. These small moments can bring immense happiness, if you just stop and notice them.

    Christmas Self Care For Mums

    Get Creative with Self-Care
    Self care isn't just about spa sessions. Get creative! Write in a journal, indulge in a DIY project or lose yourself in a good book. It's all about doing what rejuvenates you personally.

    Connect with Other Mums
    Reach out to fellow mums. Share experiences, laughter and struggles. Connecting with other people who actually understand the holiday chaos can provide so much comfort and support. It'll feel like a weight off your shoulders.

    Remember these ideas are not a to-do list, but a gentle nudge to prioritise your wellbeing during the Christmas period. As a mum, it's automatic, it's natural to put others first, but taking care of yourself allows you to care for others better. This holiday season, relax, cherish the little moments and nurture your wellbeing. You deserve it!

    If you have enjoyed reading this post, and found it interesting or helpful, you can say thank you and support Whimsical Mama by buying me a coffeeI'd really appreciate it! 

    Guilt Free Mum - Zeena Moolla Book Review

    In this day and age where the demands of motherhood often feel like it's just too much, where self care, and the importance of YOU is just put on the back burner - Zeena Moolla's new book 'Guilt Free Mum - How To Be Kind To Your Mind' is a guiding light, advocating maternal mental health. 

    As a devoted advocate for maternal wellbeing I eagerly delved into this wonderful book, seeking insights to support new mothers on their journey of self love, self compassion and mental balance. With practical advice, mindfulness techniques and empathetic discussions, this wonderful book becomes a safe space for mums to nurture their mental health.

    Guilt Free Mum is more than just your average self help book, it's a warm, comforting hug from a friend. It's a shoulder to lean on, a nudge in the right direction - helping you to navigate the pressures of daily life, the overwhelming emotions us mums feel far too regularly. Her compassionate approach reminds us all that self care isn't, and is never, selfish but an important act of self love. She unravels the multitude of 'mum guilt' that we often feel, breaks down the unrealistic expectations society has on us mothers, liberating the burden of perfection. From embracing imperfections to creating a nurturing environment of self acceptance!

    Guilt Free Mum - Zeena Moolla Book Review

    Guilt Free Mum uses mindfulness practices and behaviour techniques to create a toolkit for mums to work on their mental wellbeing. Moolla shares the perfect balance between personal experience and real life activities to try. It's like having a comforting conversation with a loved one, someone who understands exactly what you are going through. While reading alone, you feel comforted, listened to and supported. It is not a guidebook, it is not an activity book, it is not a memoir - it's so much more than all of that. It's a roadmap to help you work towards guilt free motherhood, a reminder to look after yourself throughout all stages of motherhood. 

    It's a really gorgeous, comforting book for mums. I definitely recommend having a read for yourself. (It would also make a wonderful gift for any new mum this Christmas!) 

    Guilt Free Mum - How To Be Kind To Your Mind is available from Amazon here, but if you fancy being in with a chance of winning a copy for yourself, you can enter our competition below!

    a Rafflecopter giveaway

    If you have enjoyed reading this post, and found it interesting or helpful, you can say thank you and support Whimsical Mama by buying me a coffeeI'd really appreciate it! 

    Whimsical Mama Box November
    Whimsical Mama Box is an amazing way to treat yourself to some well-deserved self-care and wellness! Each month, you'll receive a surprise box filled with handpicked goodies specifically tailored to your needs. We all need a little extra self love and care, and this could be the perfect way to do just that - while also discovering new products that you may not have known about before. Filled with specifically chosen products by mums, for mums.

    Let's have a look at the 'Snuggle Season' themed Whimsical Mama Box from November!

    Peach & Mango Lip Balm:
    Indulge in a burst of fruity goodness with our Peach & Mango Lip Balm. Silky smooth and hydrating, it's a pocket-sized saviour for busy mums, ensuring luscious lips during the chilly season.

    Cosy Cottage Scented Wax Melts:
    Transform your space into a haven of warmth with these Cosy Cottage Scented Wax Melts. The comforting aroma envelops you, creating a soothing ambiance—perfect for those moments of self-care amidst the seasonal snuggles.

    Cucumber Peel-Off Mask:
    Revitalize tired skin with our refreshing Cucumber Peel-Off Mask. A quick and easy pampering solution for mums, it effortlessly peels away stress, leaving behind a radiant glow—a self-care essential during cosy November.

    Whimsical Mama Box November

    Inspirational Notecards:
    Spread positivity with our Inspirational Notecards. A thoughtful touch to brighten any mum's day, these cards encourage self-love and confidence—a small yet powerful boost!
    Woolly Hat:
    Stay snug and stylish with a warm hat. A cosy accessory for chilly days, it's a must-have for mums stepping out or just enjoying a peaceful cuppa in the crisp air. 

    Whipped Soap:
    Elevate your shower routine with this luxurious Whipped Soap. Silky and aromatic, it transforms self-care moments into a spa-like experience—a treat for mums seeking relaxation. 

    Sleep & Defence Teabags:
    Unwind with the soothing blend of Sleep & Defence Teabags. Specially curated for peaceful nights, it's a comforting ritual for mums, adding a touch of calm to their evenings.

    Orange & Neroli Bath Soak:
    Immerse yourself in tranquillity with our Orange & Neroli Bath Soak. The captivating fragrance and skin-loving ingredients make it a delightful escape—a perfect remedy for mums seeking solace during the Snuggle season.

    Bath Bomb:
    Turn ordinary baths into a luxurious retreat with our Bath Bomb. Effervescent and fragrant, it creates a calming atmosphere, offering mums a serene escape during their self-care routines. 

    The Keeper of Stories Book:
    Dive into enchanting tales with The Keeper of Stories. A delightful read for mums, it provides a brief escape, encouraging a moment of quiet reflection—a perfect companion for the chilly, snuggly season.

    Whimsical Mama Box November

  • If you want to try out a box for yourself, visit our website for more information!

  • If you have enjoyed reading this post, and found it interesting or helpful, you can say thank you and support Whimsical Mama by buying me a coffeeI'd really appreciate it! 

    avoid Christmas overwhelm stress
    I've recently re watched Bad Moms Christmas, and even though it's utterly cringey, it's great and just like the first movie, it's actually pretty relatable! It's all about how we all have these high expectations or extraordinary promises and traditions to live up to, and let's be frank here - as mums, we are expected to do a lot at Christmas - and Christmas overwhelm sucks.

    Not just mums, but parents in general put so much pressure on themselves, to give their children the 'perfect' Christmas each year, and it's utterly exhausting. With the popularity of social media nowadays, the pressure is more than it used to be even a few years ago! We're expected to decorate our entire homes, welcome the elf onto our shelves, desperately trying to ensure the season is magical for your children, search and overspend on matching family Christmas pyjamas, plan and overspend on gifts for everyone we know, wrap every single gift (beautifully and expertly I might add!), write 1000 cards which includes your child's friends as they unenthusiastically give up after 5, ensure your children occupy every waking minute with some sort of Christmas themed activity, planning the Christmas food, buying the Christmas food, desperately trying to find space to put away the Christmas food - the list is absolutely endless.

    I don't want you to get me wrong, I'm no Grinch! I love everything about Christmas, but the weeks building up to it, there just constantly seems to be 100 things you need to do every day!

    So today I wanted to share with you a few suggestions, to ensure you don't completely overwhelm yourself or put too much pressure on yourself this year, so you actually can enjoy the festive season yourself!

    Ditch Traditions You Don't Enjoy
    Many of the traditions we do with our family are actually ones we used to do when we were children! Some were really special and you continue to do them with your children, and that's ok if you all have fun doing it - like leaving a mince pie and a glass of milk out for Father Christmas (I used to love waking up on Christmas morning and rushing into the kitchen to see if he had eaten it!) So I do repeat this tradition with my children! However, when I was little I used to wake up on Christmas morning, drag my stocking from the end of my bed and hop into my parents' bed to unwrap it all! I absolutely loved it at the time, but this is something that just doesn't work for us as a family, so we simply don't do it! (My children do not stay in their beds, so it wouldn't work!). What I'm trying to say is, you absolutely do not have to repeat traditions just because you did them when you were little. Do what works for your family. 

    Other traditions you can ditch are ones that cost too much for your budget! If it stresses you out spending too much on it each year, don't do it! Buying new matching pyjamas each year is absolutely lovely don't get me wrong, if you can afford it. If you can't afford to visit an extravagant Santa experience every year, don't do it! 

    Lastly, ditch the traditions that stress you out! If you absolutely dread doing a particular tradition each year, don't pressure yourself to do it! If you hate having to come up with ideas for the Elf on the Shelf each night, and having to clean it up again in the morning - say bye bye to him! If you hate having to write 1000 Christmas cards, don't do it! Don't pressure yourself to do absolutely everything each year.

    Create New Traditions You Love
    Now you've decided which traditions you don't love, why not make some new traditions that fit your family. Remember that you are an adult, you are the parent. You can do what you want over the holidays. If you don't want a big roast dinner, don't cook it! If you don't want to go anywhere for Christmas, stay at home! If it's what you want, then go for it. Talk to your close family members and decide what are your favourite parts of Christmas, or what they'd like to do instead. Create your own traditions, it'll make them that much more special and everyone will look forward to them!

    avoid christmas overwhelm stress

    Stick To A Budget
    Back to the point of not overstretching your budget. If you find yourself spending too much on gifts, plan and stick to a budget. Don't go on a massive shopping spree to buy everyone's gifts, have a think about what sort of things each person might like and ensure you have a budget in mind per person. Me personally, I have a certain amount I spend on my children, another amount for my husband, another amount for my parents, another amount for my siblings etc. I do it every year and it helps to know exactly what I have to spend. 

    Allocate Jobs
    Just remember, just because you're the mum, doesn't mean you physically have to do it all yourself. Allocate jobs for other family members to do (my husband cooks the Christmas dinner every year), if your children can write their cards, leave them to it, let someone else pick up the food shop, accept that invitation for Christmas dinner at someone else's house this year! Let and encourage others to help you out!

    avoid christmas overwhelm stress

    Stop Trying To Be Perfect
    So you didn't create the perfect festive outdoor display? You didn't pick the most extravagant or expensive gift, but went with a classic you know the recipient will like? You didn't buy toy/book advent calendars and stuck to good old Cadbury? Perhaps you didn't hand make reindeer food or get your children to decorate Christmas cards? Does any of it really matter? I know, looking at social media it seems everyone else has got their act together apart from you, but that's simply not true. We all like to portray to others that we can do it all, make everything perfect for Christmas but we can't, and we don't. Let go of that perfect Christmas idea, put things into perspective. Give yourself a break and enjoy the moment with your loved ones.

    Schedule Time For YOU
    Speaking of giving yourself a break, make sure you make time for you, no matter what it takes. Tell your partner what you are doing and when so you won't forget, schedule it in your diary if needs be! (I do, there's no shame in it! It's far more likely to get done that way!) You deserve time out to rest, recharge, eat Christmas chocolate and binge watch festive movies if that's what you fancy. How can you feel Christmassy or be able to spread Christmas cheer if you're totally knackered? Take care of you!

    I guess the main things to take from this post are, make it work for you all as a family, it doesn't have to be perfect, nobody is perfect, and lastly, make yourself a priority too!

    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! xx

    If you have enjoyed reading this post, and found it interesting or helpful, you can say thank you and support Whimsical Mama by buying me a coffee

    I'd really appreciate it! 

    avoid christmas overwhelm stress

    (AD/Review) The Queendom Within by Heidi Hauer

    In a world focused on pressure, rushing and overwhelm, Heidi Hauer's "The Queendom Within" is a guiding light of empowerment and self realisation. 

    I am a huge fan of inspirational books, particularly those aimed at women and mums, I was so excited to give this book a go. As soon as I started reading I knew I'd love this book. Encouraging women to seize their lives, to be the person they want and deserve to be. Embracing authenticity, and create their own path towards the life you desire.

    The Queendom Within is a detailed guide to empowerment, with Heidi sharing personal moments, wisdom and guidance throughout. Her writing draws readers in, trusting her and relating to her. The book begins by dismantling the traditional fairy tales, challenging the stereotypical roles often assigned to women. She invites readers to rewrite their own fairy tales, create their own destinies. Propelling women to start their journeys of self discovery and self love while passing by stereotypical societal expectations.

    (AD/Review) The Queendom Within by Heidi Hauer

    It's not just a book, it's a transformation experience, the first step to your journey of being the real you, and inspiring women to support and uplift one another in their journeys too. It creates a sense of community and shared purpose amongst us readers too.

    So here it is, your invitation to rediscover who you are, embrace the freedom to be unapologetically yourself, redefine your happy ever after. Grab the book here! If you want to be in with a chance of winning your own copy, you can enter our competition below;

    a Rafflecopter giveaway


    If you have enjoyed reading this post, and found it interesting or helpful, you can say thank you and support Whimsical Mama by buying me a coffeeI'd really appreciate it! 

    Whimsical Mama Box October 2023
    Whimsical Mama Box is an amazing way to treat yourself to some well-deserved self-care and wellness! Each month, you'll receive a surprise box filled with handpicked goodies specifically tailored to your needs. We all need a little extra self love and care, and this could be the perfect way to do just that - while also discovering new products that you may not have known about before. Filled with specifically chosen products by mums, for mums.

    Let's have a look at the 'Cosy Autumn' themed Whimsical Mama Box from October!

    Whimsical Mama Box October 2023

    Pumpkin Spice Mini Bath Bombs
    Indulge in the comforting aroma of autumn with these bath bombs. They're perfect for unwinding after a long day, leaving your skin feeling silky and your spirits lifted.

    Pumpkin Sheet Mask
    Embrace the season with this fun, nourishing sheet mask. Its pumpkin-infused formula revitalizes and hydrates your skin, giving you a radiant glow, ideal for crisp fall days.

    Cosy Socks
    Wrap your feet in warmth and cosiness with these snug socks. Perfect for lounging around on chilly evenings, they add a touch of comfort to your autumn relaxation routine.

    Cinnamon & Orange Candle
    Let the spicy warmth of cinnamon and the citrusy tang of orange fill your space. This candle creates an inviting ambiance, perfect for unwinding during autumn evenings.

    Facial Steam Bags
    Treat yourself to a spa-like experience at home with these aromatic steam bags. They open up pores, allowing your skin to absorb the healing properties of herbs, perfect for rejuvenation in the changing seasons.

    Autumn Affirmation Cards
    Start your day with positivity using these affirmations. They uplift your spirits and encourage self-reflection, ideal for maintaining a positive mindset during the autumn months.

    Hair Scrunchie
    Keep your hair stylishly tied back with this cute and functional accessory. It adds a touch of autumn charm to your look while keeping your hair out of the way during your self-care routines.

    Ecoffee Cup ⭐️
    Sip your favourite hot drinks sustainably in this eco-friendly cup. Its autumn-inspired design makes it a stylish accessory while reducing your environmental footprint.

    Wood Smoke Fireside Scented Candle ⭐️
    Transport yourself to a cosy fireside setting with this scented candle. Its wood smoke fragrance evokes memories of autumn nights, creating a comforting atmosphere in your space.
    Whimsical Mama Box October 2023

    ⭐️ This item was included in the regular sized Whimsical Mama Box, not the mini version.

    We have a couple of these mini boxes still available! Head to the shop on our website to snag one yourself before they’re gone!

    Whimsical Mama Box October 2023
  • If you want to try out a box for yourself, visit our website for more information!

  • If you have enjoyed reading this post, and found it interesting or helpful, you can say thank you and support Whimsical Mama by buying me a coffeeI'd really appreciate it! 

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